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五金不锈钢电镀玫瑰金香槟金 休闲椅铁椅 个性设计家具设计网 五金家具
五金不锈钢电镀玫瑰金香槟金 休闲椅铁椅 个性设计家具设计网 五金家具

五金不锈钢电镀玫瑰金香槟金 休闲椅铁椅 个性设计家具设计

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五金不锈钢电镀玫瑰金香槟金 休闲椅铁椅 个性设计家具设计网 五金家具


2017 设计者是Rodolfo Dordoni






Guaranteed to turn heads, this armchair takes its inspiration from the iconic period of mid-century elegance and skillfully blends experimentation in the design of shapes with sophisticated decorative taste.‎ 

The construction of the Colette armchair is fairly complex.‎ The profile of the external structure in metal is calendered, assembled and welded at more than 300 points.‎ The special metallic finish is achieved through galvanization in a white-gold bath, followed by application of a transparent protective coating that lends durability and depth.‎ 

The structure of the seat terminates at the front in a support structure and is made of polyurethane foam with metal insert, and elastic straps to ensure the utmost in comfort.‎ The contoured seat cushions and seat back allow them to mold perfectly to the structure.‎ 

The Colette armchair comes in two heights and two finishes: Light Gold and Black-Nickel.‎ 

With luster as refined as it is understated, the Colette armchair introduces a note of sophisticated extravagance to any room, not unlike the way cuff links on a shirt add a touch of refined elegance to a business suit.‎

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