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—— 汇聚全球醉美设计 现场体验巅峰之作 ——
- 热搜关键词:
- 北欧
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- 吧椅
- 餐椅
- 休闲椅
- 玻璃钢
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- 设计师
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意大利2022年RobertoLazzeroni蒙特拉椅子玻托那福劳 超薄款餐椅 五金脚稳固设计皮质餐椅创意设计师书椅儿童房电脑椅 双色
走在时尚最前沿 意大利设计皮质餐椅创意设计师书椅儿童房电脑椅
计师书椅儿童房电脑椅 超薄双色皮质餐椅 电脑椅 餐椅 内裤椅走在时尚最前沿 意大利设计皮质餐椅创意设计师书椅儿童房电脑椅 超薄双色
产品简述(Brief describing):
产品型号:AA00098 产品尺寸:54x56x82 cm SH:46 cm 设计师:Roberto Lazzeroni 电话:0755-368 53618 生产周期:25天左右 邮箱:710295860@qq.com WeChat(微信)账号:QQ710295860 在线QQ:710295860 产品材料及描述(Product materials and Description):
[产品材质]:玻璃钢+面料+铁脚 , 玻璃钢座板: 坚固耐用 不变形 。
[颜色]: 多种面料,不同的档次颜色均可定制,具体请联系客服
[运费]: 请与客服确认运费
意大利2022年RobertoLazzeroni蒙特拉椅子玻托那福劳 超薄款餐椅 五金脚稳固
柏秋纳·弗洛 玻托那福劳
生产年份:2022年 新款
Poltrona Frau
The chair
Designed by Roberto Lazzeroni
Series THE Collection-tables and Chairs
Year of production 2022
Formal lightness and a sensation of softness describe the new "extra-soft" table chair from the Montera Collection, Designed by Roberto Lazzeroni. Lodgett In a perfect balance between comfort and design, Montera Mas increases the padding of the shell, respecting the original organic and sinuous lines and the characteristic wings of the backrest, Which offers the body enveloping support
Montera Mas is available with upholstery in Pelle Frau® leather or removable fabric Two-tone leather upholstery: One on the outside of the backrest and one on the inside of the seat
The solid ash wood base typical of the Montera chair joins a four-legged tubular metal base with a conical section that is available in two finishes: Burnished or lacquered titanium. Tapered legs make Montera Mas even lighter and more versatile in its uses, From Residential Spaces to hospitality
Capable of projecting a strong decorative presence, Montera Mas interacts elegantly and personally with the most diverse styles, also through colour
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产品解析(Product Analysis):
温馨提示:本公司产品来自北欧 欧美 设计师之手! 所有产品1件起定 ! 面料 颜色 规格 均可定制 !承接:样板房,售楼处,别墅,会所酒店配套家具定制!欢迎来图定制!厂家直销,价格优惠。 专业定制各种现代休闲家具Montera chair Poltrona Frau有关产品的任何疑问Poltrona frau请与我司销售顾问联系 Poltrona frau Montera chair 我们专业的销售业务团队将竭诚为您提供一站式服务!
在线QQ:710295860 QQ咨询 电话:0755-36853618 WeChat(微信)帐号:QQ710295860传 真:0755-33668865 E-mail:710295860@qq.com地址:广东省深圳市坪山区坑梓镇深汕路1040-1号B栋1层 粤ICP备17119810号