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意大利Longhi 2019年新品 不锈钢电镀实木硬包软包柜 ARMAD电视柜 置物柜 抽屉储物柜轻奢家具定制
意大利Longhi 2019年新品 不锈钢电镀实木硬包软包柜
意大利Longhi 2019年新品 不锈钢电镀实木硬包软包柜 ARMAD电视柜 置物柜 抽屉储物柜轻奢家具定制
阿尔芒:带有门板和抽屉的低矮储物柜,木腿和框架,有以下木材:光滑/哑光乌木;光滑/粗糙卡纳莱托胡桃木;光滑的象牙烘干清漆。抽屉面板覆盖皮革或羊绒从样品系列Loro Piana内饰,也可在相同的木材作为框架。底座轮廓及前边框均为抛光金属,可选择以下表面处理:哑光香槟金;光滑的镀铬;黑色光亮镀铬;哑光哑光古铜色化妆品。表面处理:青铜或烟灰色20mm倒角镜面玻璃;黑漆20mm倒角水晶玻璃;时尚/哑光黑檀;光滑/粗糙卡纳莱托胡桃木;光泽乳白色烤漆;圣洛朗大理石港口;罗索累范托东南风大理石;Bardiglio Nuvolato大理石;雅致的棕色大理石;Palissandro Oniciato大理石;啡网纹黑大理石;银波大理石;阿加莎黑色大理石;星冰乐大理石;Calacatta金大理石。把手用大理石从样品系列或相同的工作台面。可选:背面有两个可调光的led长条灯,分别照在柜子的顶部和底部。它可以通过触摸开关点亮。在墙壁上创建一个独特的线性照明效果。
Brand: Longhi
Country: Italy
TV ark
Designer: Giuseppe Vigano
Design Year:2019
The Design Year: 2019
Armand: low storage cabinets with door panels and drawers, wooden legs and frames available in the following wood: glossy/matte ebony; Smooth/matte Canaletto walnut; Smooth ivory baking varnish. Drawer panels clad in leather or cashmere from the sample series Loro Piana Interiors, also available in the same wood as the frame. The outline of the base and the front border are of polished metal, and the following surface treatment can be selected: smooth light gold; Matte champagne gold; Smooth chrome plating; Glossy black chrome plating; Matte matte matte bronzer. Surface treatment: bronze or smoke gray 20 mm chamfered mirror glass; Black lacquered 20 mm chamfered crystal glass; Glossy/matte ebony; Smooth/matte Canaletto walnut; Glossy ivory white baking varnish; Port Saint Laurent marble; Rosso Levanto marble; Bardiglio Nuvolato marble; Elegant Brown marble; Palissandro Oniciato marble; Emperador Dark marble; Silver Wave marble; Agatha Black marble; Frappuccino marble; Calacatta Gold marble. Handle using marble from the sample series or the same as the countertop. Optional: there are two dimmable led strip lights on the back, shining on the top and bottom of the cabinet respectively. It can be lit by touch switch. Creates a unique, linear lighting effect on the walls.
With its attention to detail, passion and creativity, Longhi has become an internationally recognized and deeply rooted brand in furniture culture. It's an adventure that started 60 years ago, and this year, it's celebrating its anniversary with this important series. Every single item in the series has the charm of attracting the eyes and making people want to touch and listen. The 2019 collection includes seating systems, armchairs, tables, chairs, and upholstered furniture, each with a faceted, horizontal, crossover style. A new language, born from new collaborations, documents the evolution of a company's design strategy.
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