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  • 西班牙设计师estudiHac VONDOM 玻璃钢桌子吧桌 餐桌 咖啡桌 不锈钢铁烤漆脚盘
西班牙设计师estudiHac VONDOM 玻璃钢桌子吧桌 餐桌 咖啡桌 不锈钢铁烤漆脚盘
西班牙设计师estudiHac VONDOM 玻璃钢桌子吧桌 餐桌 咖啡桌 不锈钢铁烤漆脚盘

设计师estudiHac VONDOM 玻璃钢桌子吧桌 餐桌

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设计师estudiHac VONDOM 玻璃钢桌子吧桌 餐桌 咖啡桌 不锈钢铁烤漆脚盘

常规规格: 桌面直径 40-70CM




设计师: estudiHac




花瓶包括瓦伦西亚设计师JM费雷罗(JM Ferrero)设计的花盆、家具和灯具。‎作品灵感来自于钻石在获得一些明确的形状和风格,与一个伟大的视觉冲击。‎一套新的凳子和表连接的收集、创建环境和扩大的可能性。‎花瓶酒吧凳子脚凳和基础是不锈钢做的。‎座位由注射塑料的原始形式收集灵感来自钻石的形状。‎酒吧表有一个圆钢基地和聚乙烯的核心支持。‎顶部的表是由HPL可用在一个广泛的颜色用于室内和室外空间。‎这些新作品允许高的材料和完成定制和强烈的使用。‎



estudi {H} ac





    每个项目的基础在于最初的概念,这是Jose Manuel Ferrero和他的团队提出每个项目背后的故事。有创意自由,有能力和确定性的项目也具有商业价值。



has been conceived as a design atelier, specialising in tailored projects for product design, interior architecture and the creation of ephemeral montages. 

All of them tailored for each customer, creating unique, timeless spaces or products that amaze onlookers thanks to their initial visual impact and the story behind them. We work with a wide variety of companies in different areas of business. This puts us in an ideal position for ensuring the flexibility and efficiency of each project and offering a fresh, renewed vision of any company, product or brand. 

The estudi{H}ac team is made up of industrial and interior designers and architects with a great deal of experience and extensive theoretical knowledge of product design, the design of commercial spaces, the retail business, hospitality industry and exhibitions.

All of which means we are able to guarantee our customers' satisfaction. We work to ensure that each project reflects the teamwork going on at the atelier, work done with passion and a focus on finding the most innovative and creative solutions for those looking to make a difference. 

The basis of each project lies in the initial concept, which is where José Manuel Ferrero and his team come up with the story behind each project. Having creative freedom with the capacity for and certainty of the project also being commercial. 

There are two elements that always form part of any project by estudi{H}ac: colour in a simple shape; and one of its own product designs.

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地址:广东省深圳市坪山区坑梓镇深汕路1040-1号B栋1层          粤ICP备17119810号