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玻璃钢电镀色金银铜色面具座椅Driade Store Nemo Chai脸形设计Nemo Fabio Novembre 意大利
Nemo Chair面具椅曾于2010年米兰家具展展出,人脸
面具座椅Driade Store Nemo Chai
产品描述(Product Description):产品型号:AA0015 产品尺寸:93*93*133CM
设计师:Patricia Urquiola 电话:0755-368 53618 生产周期:10天左右 邮箱:710295860@qq.com WeChat(微信)账号:QQ710295860 在线QQ:710295860 产品材料(Product materials):
[颜色]: 多种面料,不同的档次颜色均可定制,具体请联系客服
[运费]: 请与客服确认运费
Nemo Chair面具椅曾于2010年米兰家具展展出,是由设意大利著名设计师法比奥·诺文布雷(Fabio Novembre)设计,法比奥·诺文布雷再次以人体形塑作为设计主题,用精湛的艺术意象来诉说家具故事。Nemo Chair让人一眼着迷的独特魅力,宛若神话般的面具造型,轻易抓住所有的视觉暮光。在大尺寸的面具背后,浑然自成优雅的扶手椅设计,高度设计恰好可以将乘坐其中的使用者完全包覆。是极具前卫、戏剧性、挑战风格的张力性作品,打开了家居家饰更广的视野。
场景图片(Reference Pictures):
产品解析(Product Analysis):
代表個人化貴族生活的居家生活品牌非 Driade 莫屬, Driade 的每件傢俱皆具有原創性與獨特性,充分彰顯收藏者的品味與眼光,其獨一無二的空間主體性,既凸顯傢俱本體,又能凝聚並調和空間中所有元素,使其能成為任何設計風格之最佳點綴。Driadestore 為其旗下品牌之一,以年輕活力的設計風格,搭配塑料材質,帶來多樣化的傢俱作品。
設計師 Fabio Novembre 於 2010 年米蘭家具展,所推出的最新作品。Fabio Novembre 此次再以人體形塑作為主軸,用精湛的藝術意象來訴說家具故事。Nemo 讓人一眼著迷的獨特魅力,宛若神話般的面具造型,輕易抓住所有的視覺目光。在大尺寸的面具背後,渾然自成優雅的扶手椅設計,高度設計恰好可以將乘坐其中的使用者完全包覆。前衛、戲劇性、具挑戰風格的張力性作品,打開了家居家飾更寬廣的視野。喜愛新穎獨特風格的您絕對不能錯過。
全椅身為合成塑料材質,可室內、室外使用(紅色款僅能使用於室內),為家居環境、商業空間、公共藝術等,帶來別開生面的藝術風格。In 2010 it happens that the name Nemo immediately evokes the little fish protagonist of the Pixar Movie in 2003. If this question had been asked in the end of the XIX century probably the answer would have been the Captain Nemo protagonist of the book written by Jules Verne in 1870: twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Going further in time, in a classical era around the 800 b.C, Nemo should have been the name chosen by Odisseo to deceive Polifemo the cyclops of the Homer epic poem.
Ulisse, used to disguise, declares that his name is Nemo, no-one in order to escape from certain death: the destruction of the personality under the survival instinct.
Despite I deeply feel a man of my era, the greek origins of my native land make me associate Nemo to Odisseo. The name become a mask used to hide the identity. Mask that in the greek theatre is called also persona recalling the name sound that plays the part of amplifying the voice.
A project born between the drawing by Ponti of 1950 “Un disegno è un’idea” and the romance by Pirandello of 1926 “Uno, nessuno e centomila” for creating a new identity without sexual and geographical features. An identity denied for a renewed idea of collectivity made of eyes that search each others beyond the borders and barriers.Fabio Novembre用家具设计来讲述紧张而迷人的故事,故事中的主角通常是人类形象。这个图能够成为抽象的和普遍的人类,能够提出一个神话美作为发生在希腊艺术。Nemo,用经典的特性,是掏空了创建一个居住空间。结果是个head-armchair从里面住。像一个面具,它的居民同时隐藏和显示。
Fabio Novembre uses furniture design to tell intense and fascinating stories in which the protagonist is often the human figure. This human figure is capable of becoming abstract and universal, able to propose a mythic beauty as occurred in Greek art. So that Nemo, a face with classic features, is hollowed out to create an inhabitable space. The result is a head-armchair to be lived from the inside. Like a mask, it simultaneously conceals and reveals its inhabitant.
温馨提示:本公司产品来自北欧 欧美 设计师之手! 所有产品1件起定 ! 面料 颜色 规格 均可定制 !承接:样板房,售楼处,别墅,会所酒店配套家具定制!欢迎来图定制!厂家直销,价格优惠。 专业定制各种现代休闲家具!有关产品的任何疑问,请与我司销售顾问联系,我们专业的销售业务团队将竭诚为您提供一站式服务!
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