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  • 餐桌 英国闪耀系列 黄铜 圆形茶几 圆桌Gubi 2.0_Dining Table圆形餐桌丹麦设计师 家居豪宅 规格颜色可定制 高端家具
餐桌 英国闪耀系列 黄铜 圆形茶几  圆桌Gubi 2.0_Dining Table圆形餐桌丹麦设计师 家居豪宅 规格颜色可定制 高端家具
餐桌 英国闪耀系列 黄铜 圆形茶几 圆桌Gubi 2.0_Dining Table圆形餐桌丹麦设计师 家居豪宅 规格颜色可定制 高端家具

英国 闪耀系列 黄铜 圆形茶几 圆桌家用商用定制 家居豪宅

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餐桌 英国闪耀系列 黄铜 圆形茶几  圆桌Gubi 2.0_Dining Table圆形餐桌丹麦设计师 家居豪宅 规格颜色可定制 高端家具

英国 闪耀系列 黄铜 圆形茶几  圆桌家用商用定制 家居豪宅 规格颜色可定制 高端家具


Offecct NOBIS | High side table High side table Design by Claesson Koivisto Rune


NOBIS |高边桌






Nobis是一张桌子,最初是为斯德哥尔摩的酒店旋钮设计的,克莱顿·科维斯托·鲁恩(Claesson Koivisto Rune)负责室内设计。‎NOBIS形式的矛盾可以描述为一种圆形广场,也就是说,广场,构成了桌面没有棱角,但特点是一个圆形的柔软。‎形式来自一个广场,被CAD软件,添加一个特殊公式来创建最终的形状。‎表Nobis适合所有类型的环境,并为许多人提供了可能性同时围绕着桌子。‎桌面有黑色或白色紧凑的层压板,黑边,或在黑颜色的MDF。‎9005年文化、结构漆框架。‎



NOBIS | High side table

High side table


Laminate, MDF


Claesson Koivisto Rune

Nobis is a table that was originally created for the hotel Knobs in Stockholm where Claesson Koivisto Rune was responsible for the interior design.‎ NOBIS’s form can paradoxically be described as a sort of round square, that is to say, the square that constitutes the table top has no sharp angles but is characterized by a round softness.‎ The form comes from a square, manipulated by CAD software which adds a special formula to create the final shape.‎ The table Nobis fits well into all types of environments, and offers possibilities for many people to be seated around the table at the same time.‎ Table top comes in black or white compact laminate and has black edges, or in black colored MDF.‎ Structure lacquered frame in RAL 9005.‎ 

60x60 cm (height 47.‎ 5, 72 or 110 cm).‎

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