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  • Pony Chair小马椅 小狗椅 儿童椅Eero Aarnio艾洛阿尼奥粉红色
Pony Chair小马椅 小狗椅 儿童椅Eero Aarnio艾洛阿尼奥粉红色
Pony Chair小马椅 小狗椅 儿童椅Eero Aarnio艾洛阿尼奥粉红色

小马椅儿童椅玻璃钢椅儿童椅 Eero Aarnio Pony Chair粉红色

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Pony Chair小马椅 小狗椅 儿童椅Eero Aarnio艾洛阿尼奥  小马椅儿童椅玻璃钢椅儿童椅 Eero Aarnio Pony Chair粉红色

小马椅(Pony Chair)艾洛·阿尼奥,小马椅是儿童家具中的一种,颜色多样化吸.引大多数小孩的注意,大家都知道一般的小孩子喜欢做摇摇车,而小马椅的设计或多或少以它做为借鉴,加上设计师独.特的创意,使小马椅受.欢.迎的程度不亚于摇摇车.

Pony Chair由模具做成泡沫式的身体、脚、耳朵,他们都是靠管架连接,其他部分用弹性的布料扪制,艾洛•阿尼奥Eero Aarnio认为家具设计可以有各式各样的灵感,包括来自动物,例如Pony Chair我们采用骑乘的方式,或者把它当成椅凳、装饰物。极富趣味。

产品描述(Product Description):

产品尺寸(cm): 52(长)x110(宽)x80(高)
设计师: Eero Aarnio
生产周期: 15~25 天

 产品材料(Product materials):

小马椅(Pony Chair)内置玻璃钢材质,中间贴上一层海绵,防止碰伤,安.全而富.有.弹.性。



小马椅(Pony Chair)艾洛·阿尼奥,小马椅是儿童家具中的一种,颜色多样化吸.引大多数小孩的注意,大家都知道一般的小孩子喜欢做摇摇车,而小马椅的设计或多或少以它做为借鉴,加上设计师独.特的创意,使小马椅受.欢.迎的程度不亚于摇摇车,小马椅(Pony Chair)是经过精.心设计的,成为了现代,时.尚,美.观,实用具有个.性的设计作品。



芬兰设计师艾洛·阿尼奥Eero Aarnio1973年发布Pony Chair后,逐渐引起世人对于趣味家具设计的兴趣。Pony Chair的构造由聚氨酯泡沫包在金属骨架外面,表面材料是丝绒,可以说是一张椅子或者一件玩偶。充满童趣的小马椅大受亲子家庭欢迎,艾洛·阿尼奥Eero Aarnio的许多作品都成为时代的经典作品,并获得许多工业设计奖项,同时,他所设计的Ball Chair,大胆利用玻璃钢等元素,使得创意与思考得以发挥,并奠定了家具设经典名师的地位。

Pony Chair由模具做成泡沫式的身体、脚、耳朵,他们都是靠管架连接,其他部分用弹性的布料扪制,艾洛·阿尼奥Eero Aarnio认为家具设计可以有各式各样的灵感,包括来自动物,例如Pony Chair我们采用骑乘的方式,或者把它当成椅凳、装饰物。极富趣味。 


Pony by Eero Aarnio 1973

Children are attracted by the bright colors and the uncoventional forms of Eero Aarnio's designs. And especially the Pony looks like an overdimensional toy.

But it is not the toy Eero Aarnio has intended to create with the Pony. The dimensions are conformed to adult's size.

The Pony shows the play of phantasy which is so characteristic for Eero Aarnio, and in a comfortable seat it might carry you to unknown fields of your own imagination.

Aarnio: "A chair is a chair, is a chair, is a chair ... but a seat does not necessarily have to be a chair. It can be anything as it is ergonomically correct. A seat could even be a small and soft Pony on which you can 'ride' or sit sideways."

Eero Aarnio  (born 1932 in Helsinki, Finland) is one of the great innovators of modern furniture design. Credited with an array of distinct and visually striking designs, Aarnio has helped establish Finland in the international design market. In the 1960s, Eero Aarnio began experimenting with plastics, vivid colors and organic form, breaking away from traditional design conventions. His now iconic plastic creations include the Ball (1963) the Pastil (1968), and the Bubble (1968) chairs which echo the pop culture and the spirit of their time. Tomato (1972) and Pony (1973) chairs are other examples of a variety of notable pieces that Aarnio has created over the career that spans five decades. Eero Aarnio is a one-man design workshop: interior designer, industrial designer, graphic artist, photographer.

It has been the ambition of Eero Aarnio to create designs with strong and identifiable character. His work has been said to have a communicative capacity and a psychological effect on the user and viewer. They are objects that stimulate the imagination and challenge seriousness and stiffness. Aside from sound ergonomic design Eero Aarnio follows very few rules when creating his furniture. “A chair must be comfortable for sitting and after that everything is free.”



Many of Aarnio’s works are included in the world’s most prestigious museums, including the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the MoMA in New York and the Vitra Museum in Weil am Rhein. Eero Aarnio’s designs have been used in international films, music videos and fashion shoots.


Eero Aarnio(艾洛·阿尼奥)是芬兰住名的设计师,一生设计出了很多住名的产品,像球椅、半球椅、泡沫椅等,Eero Aarnio(艾洛·阿尼奥)总会带给了人们很多不同的创.意,让后来的设计师可以进行借.鉴、思考,那么Eero Aarnio(艾洛·阿尼奥)是一个怎么的设计师呢?下面就让我们进入Eero Aarnio(艾洛·阿尼奥)传.奇的人生。

1932年Eero Aarnio(艾洛·阿尼奥)出生于芬兰



1962年夏天,他用新闻纸和浆糊作原材料,在藤编家具启发下,设计出一种适于塑料制作的面貌全新的坐具造型,这是张以玻璃纤维制成的球形椅子,在受到启.发的之后一直研究,终于在1963年Eero Aarnio(艾洛·阿尼奥)设计了住名的球椅(Ball Chair),很快地这张椅子被大量地制造生产。这张椅子使他在1966年科隆家具博览会上一.夜.成.名。

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