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- 热搜关键词:
- 北欧
- 实物
- 实拍
- 现货
- 热卖
- 特价
- 吧椅
- 餐椅
- 休闲椅
- 玻璃钢
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- 设计师
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CIEL! TULIPE CHAIR企鹅椅 郁金香椅 酒店咖啡厅餐椅 办公洽谈椅
CIEL! TULIPE CHAIR企鹅椅 郁金香椅 酒店咖
CIEL! TULIPE CHAIR企鹅椅 郁金香椅Ciel sweet chair 天空郁金香椅 安乐椅 玻璃钢旋转餐椅 扶手椅
产品简述(Brief describing):
产品型号:AA0191 产品尺寸:57*60*88CM 设计师:Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance (France) 电话:0755-368 53618 生产周期:20天左右 邮箱:710295860@qq.com WeChat(微信)账号:QQ710295860 在线QQ:710295860 产品材料及描述(Product materials and Description):
[颜色]: 多种面料,不同的档次颜色均可定制,具体请联系客服
[运费]: 请与客服确认运费
产品图片(Reference Pictures):
场景图片(Reference Pictures):
产品解析(Product Analysis):
This new collection presents a range of high-end armchairs for the Contract and the hospitality markets. The designer Noé Duchaufour Lawrance is known for his unique style – fine smooth shapes with taut lines for a very generous and welcoming result. The shell in 3D-veneer of various wood species gradually disappears in the foam structure of the armchairs, giving them this warm yet sophisticated touch.Materials and finish options
Footing optionsThis new collection presents a range of high-end chairs for the Contract and the residential markets. The designer Noé Duchaufour Lawrance is known for his unique style – fine smooth shapes with taut lines for a very generous and welcoming result. The shell in 3D-veneer of various wood species gradually disappears
Sustainability is a core element of this range. The chair Ciel! has been eco-designed from the start, observing a holistic approach taking into account the full life cycle of the product - choice of materials, ease of components (dis-)assembly, short logistic cycles with suppliers. Notably the use of 3D wood molding, allowing to give its complex shape to the shell structure, helps reach the environmental goal. It also makes it the first furniture reference project in France to use this technology. Made-to-order in 6 to 8 weeks standard lead-time along your specifications. This new collection presents a range of high-end chairs for the Contract and the residential markets. The designer Noé Duchaufour Lawrance is known for his unique style – fine smooth shapes with taut lines for a very generous and welcoming result. The shell in 3D-veneer of various wood species gradually disappears
Sustainability is a core element of this range. The chair Ciel! has been eco-designed from the start, observing a holistic approach taking into account the full life cycle of the product - choice of materials, ease of components (dis-)assembly, short logistic cycles with suppliers. Notably the use of 3D wood molding, allowing to give its complex shape to the shell structure, helps reach the environmental goal. It also makes it the first furniture reference project in France to use this technology.温馨提示:本公司产品来自北欧 欧美 设计师之手! 所有产品1件起定 ! 面料 颜色 规格 均可定制 !承接:样板房,售楼处,别墅,会所酒店配套家具定制!欢迎来图定制!厂家直销,价格优惠。 专业定制各种现代休闲家具!有关产品的任何疑问,请与我司销售顾问联系,我们专业的销售业务团队将竭诚为您提供一站式服务!
QQ咨询 电话:0755-36853618 WeChat(微信)帐号:QQ710295860
传 真:0755-33668865 E-mail:710295860@qq.com地址:广东省深圳市坪山区坑梓镇深汕路1040-1号B栋1层 粤ICP备17119810号