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北欧HUSK SOFA稻壳沙发 高档布艺沙发设计师Patricia Urquiola深红
产品简介:HUSK SOFA稻壳沙发 HUSK系列由当家花
产品描述(Product Description):
设计师:Patricia Urquiola 电话:0755-368 53618 生产周期:10天左右 邮箱:710295860@qq.com WeChat(微信)账号:QQ710295860 在线QQ:710295860
产品尺寸: 3位:225*102*82
产品材料(Product materials):[产品材质]:高档布艺+铁架+木架+高密度海绵+不锈钢五金脚
[颜色]: 多种面料,不同的档次颜色均可定制,具体请联系客服
[运费]: 请与客服确认运费
产品图片(Reference Pictures):
场景图片(Reference Pictures):
产品解析(Product Analysis):
B&B Italia,作为国际现代风格顶级家具的标杆,其成功在于将创意、工艺和技术完美结合,并用极简的设计语言演绎出众多。自1972年, 意大利国宝级设计大师Antonio Citterio,与B&B的创始人Piero Ambrogio Busnelli携手,B&B创造了众多经典,不但被纽约现代艺术馆和巴黎蓬皮杜中心永久收藏,而且为了保留意大利珍贵的手工艺传统,B&B还在1975年全线打造了子品牌Maxalto系列。
本文介绍的是 B&B Italia 2011年推出的热售网红 HUSK 稻壳系列产品,包括HUSK 稻壳床,HUSK 稻壳餐沙发,HUSK 稻壳休闲椅,HUSK 稻壳餐椅,HUSK 稻壳餐茶几等 带来有如“爱的抱抱”般甜蜜舒适的体验。
HUSK系列由当家花旦Patricia Urquiola设计,您是不是也很喜欢这位美女设计师,她真是很懂如何将实用和颜值完美结合,而且不仅仅将视点放在家具上,而是以更全局化、更整体的视角去观察和反思家具设计的根本意义。HUSK SOFA稻壳沙发是Patricia Urquiola 的最新作品之一!其设计的理念就是要让人坐上去,即刻能够享受最放松的姿态!
Husk Sofa and Bed: B&B Italia signature pieces by Patricia Urquiola
Husk by B&B Italia
Design : Patricia Urquiola
Warm and comfortable, Husk is the perfect example of something you sitin rather than on.
Created with a softer and more flexible structure, Husk boasts deep seats and down feather cushions allowing for maximum comfort. Husk is available in two sizes. The shorter version combines the seat with a backrest, whereas in the longer version, the two cushioned components are separated. Whether in a solid colour or mélange fabrics, Husk maintains a casual elegance.
Nowadays, almost everyone has an interest in home decor and furnishing and is aware of design fashions and trends. The interior designer is no longer entrusted only by major clients for large-scale progects such has hotel, restaurants or boutiques, but also by private individuals for their homes. People are now accustomed to hire a designer whether they need to furnish an apartment in a big city, renovate a villa outside the city or restore a cottage in the country.
In some cases, the designer is a real superstar – or archistar: examples are Philippe Starck, Marcel Wanders and Karim Rashid. Among the most famous designers in the world, Patricia Urquiola is certainly one of the most accomplished and requested by well-known design brands. Urquiola collaborates with several leading furniture and home décor brands such as Moroso, B&B Italia, Rosenthal, Alessi and many more. Many of her products are exhibited in the permanent collations of the MoMA in New York and other museums of contemporary art. The Spanish designer has also received many international awards such as the Medalla de Oro al Merito en las Bellas Artes in 2010, granted by the Spanish government and the award of Designer of the Year in 2012 by the German magazine A&W.
温馨提示:本公司产品来自北欧 欧美 设计师之手! 所有产品1件起定 ! 面料 颜色 规格 均可定制 !承接:样板房,售楼处,别墅,会所酒店配套家具定制!欢迎来图定制!厂家直销,价格优惠。 专业定制各种现代休闲家具!有关产品的任何疑问,请与我司销售顾问联系,我们专业的销售业务团队将竭诚为您提供一站式服务!
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