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  • 有颜还要拼才华的荷兰鬼才设计师 Marcel Wanders 为意大利波莉弗母 设计经典无数

有颜还要拼才华的荷兰鬼才设计师 Marcel Wanders 为意大利波莉弗母 设计经典无数

作者:北欧高端定制家具 查看次数:807 发表时间:2017-09-23

有颜还要拼才华的设计界鬼才,在当今国际设计界,如果有一个人称得上最红火最抢手最多产最具影响力最懂做生意并且赚得最多的,一定是荷兰设计师马塞尔·万德斯。英俊、疯狂、风趣是其招牌。他的设计实用、漂亮且风格多变。他比喻自己的设计风格是将“设计原型”为蓝图,在原型上变化出惊喜,变出让人会心一笑的X元素。接下来,跟着小编 一起来感受魔幻之旅吧。



单扶手 双扶手椅

作为一个孩子,Marcel Wanders喜欢为别人做礼物。如今,他为世界设计,制作独特的礼物,不仅对收到礼物的人有意义,对设计师本人也有意义。马塞尔的使命是:在这里创造一个爱的环境,充满激情的生活,让我们最激动人心的梦想成真。

马塞尔·万德斯(Marcel Wanders)无疑是我们这个时代传奇的传奇设计师之一。他通过魔术、革命、盗窃、慈善事业,尤其是一些好的、老式的、滑稽的东西来吸引观众。

他以优异的成绩从阿纳姆艺术学院(Arnhem School of the Arts)毕业后不久就登上了《设计季刊》(Design Quarterly)。

1993年,他在米兰举办的第一次德鲁格设计展(Droog design exhibition)上获得了好评,后来,他在1996年为Droog德鲁格设计的打结椅子也让他在设计界一举成名,如今,他已成为设计的标志性作品。


如今,马塞尔·万德斯在他位于阿姆斯特丹市中心的设计工作室工作,他的工作室是“最鼓舞人心的多学科设计力量之一”(the Observer),万德斯开始扩展他的帝国,并在2000年开始与卡斯珀·维瑟斯(Casper Vissers)共同创立高端设计品牌Moooi。Wanders作为Moooi的艺术总监,除了设计新的令人敬畏的设计之外,还非常活跃。

马塞尔·万德斯(Marcel Wanders)和他共同拥有的Moooi公司让当代荷兰设计成为了旺盛创造力的代名词。《金融时报》记者尼科尔·斯温利(Nicole Swengley)报道




近年来,Marcel Wanders在室内设计方面树立了新的标准,从巴林的Moda旗舰店到迈阿密的Mondrian South Beach酒店的睡美人。这些项目,以及阿姆斯特丹的Lute suites酒店概念,雅加达的私人住宅,阿姆斯特丹和马略卡岛都反映了他对戏剧和非凡的空间和纹理的使用感。




《商业周刊》称他为“欧洲最炙手可热的设计师”,《华盛顿邮报》称他为“设计界最受欢迎的明星”,这是有原因的。在不久的将来,我们可以对马塞尔·万德斯(Marcel Wanders)和他位于阿姆斯特丹的设计工作室有更多的期待。他最近与菲利普•斯塔克(Philippe Starck)和约翰•希区柯克(John Hitchcox)的专注于设计的地产开发品牌yoo合作。阿姆斯特丹是他最爱的家,他将出版一本书,展示这座城市700年的创作历史。随着大量其他项目的运作,漫步者必将成为头条新闻,这无疑会引起人们的议论,并以一种真正非凡的方式改变设计景观。


Marcel Wanders现在无处不在,为全球品牌和高端家具公司设计,如B&B Italia,Cappellini, Puma, Bisazza, 波莉弗母, KLM -Royal Dutch Airlines, Flos, Magis,谷歌,Target, Baccarat,以及最近的Christofle和M.A.C化妆品。此外,Marcel还从事建筑和室内设计项目,如波恩的Kameha大酒店、迈阿密的Mondrian South Beach酒店、巴林的Villa Moda旗舰店,以及阿姆斯特丹、马略卡岛和雅加达的私人住宅。2010年,马塞尔·万德斯(Marcel Wanders)和凯悦酒店集团(Hyatt Hotels Corporation)宣布与伊蚊房地产公司(Aedes Real Estate)合作开发一个新的酒店项目;安达士阿姆斯特丹酒店。



Marcel Wanders born in 1963,is a product and interior designer who drew international recognition for his Knotted Chair produced by Droog Design in 1996. Marcel Wanders graduated cum laude from the School of the Arts Arnhem in 1988. In 1995 he opened his own studio based in Amsterdam. Six years later, in 2001 he co-founded the successful design label Moooi, of which he is the art director. Marcel Wanders is now ubiquitous, designing for global brands and high end furniture companies such as B&B Italia,Cappellini, Puma, Bisazza, , KLM -Royal Dutch Airlines, Flos, Magis, Google, Target, Baccarat and more recently Christofle and M.A.C Cosmetics. Additionally, Marcel works on architectural and interior design projects, such as the Kameha Grand hotel in Bonn, the Mondrian South Beach hotel in Miami, the Villa Moda Flagship store in Bahrain, as well as private residences in Amsterdam, Mallorca and Jakarta. In 2010 Marcel Wanders and the Hyatt Hotels Corporation announced their collaboration, together with Aedes Real Estate, on a new hotel project; the Andaz Amsterdam hotel.


As a child, Marcel Wanders loved making gifts for people. Nowadays he designs for the world, making unique gifts that are meaningful to the people receiving them as well as to the designer himself. Marcel is on a mission which he had already thought of and planned during his time as a student: Here to create an environment of love, live with passion and make our most exciting dreams come true.


‘Marcel Wanders is, without a doubt, one of the legendary larger-than-life designers of our time. He captivates his audience with magic, revolution, theft, philanthropy and most prominently some good, old fashioned, ribtickling.’ Design Quarterly After graduating with honors from the Arnhem School of the Arts he didn’t have to wait long for fame. He received rave reviews at the first Droog design exhibition in Milan in 1993 and later for his Knotted Chair, created for Droog in 1996, which rocketed him to stardom in the design world and is now an iconic piece of design. Now working from his design studio in the centre of Amsterdam, Marcel Wanders studio ‘one of the most inspiring powerhouses of multi-disciplinary design’ (The Observer), Wanders began to expand his empire and in 2000 began the high end design label Moooi, which he co-founded with Casper Vissers. Not one to sit back, Wanders remains extremely active as art director of Moooi, in addition to designing new and awe-inspiring designs to the collection.

‘Marcel Wanders and the Moooi company he co-owns have made contemporary Dutch design synonymous with exuberant creativity.’ Financial Times, Nicole Swengley


Over a period of two decades, Wanders has, and continues to, design for leading international companies. His innovative use of material and technology, coupled with his graceful combination of the old and the new as well as his trademark ‘tongue in cheek’, make his products instantly recognizable. Avant-gardist, Marcel’s products have been received widely and hailed as challenging and surprising; he is continually creating to make the world a better place.

‘With a rock star like image, Wanders eschews austere minimalist concepts to create more whimsical and decorative products.’ Identity

In recent years Marcel Wanders has set new standards in interior design, ranging from the Villa Moda flagship store in Bahrain to the sleeping beauty-magic of the Mondrian South Beach Hotel in Miami. These projects, as well as the Lute suites hospitality concept in Amsterdam, private residences in Jakarta, Amsterdam and Mallorca all reflect his sense for the theatrical and remarkable use of space and textures.


The entire spectrum of Wanders designs is a challenge to his own creativity, exploring the boundaries of his capability. Museums all around the world recognize his genius, the Museum of Modern Art in New York and San Francisco, the V&A Museum in London and the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam feature his work in their collections. Being awarded among others Elle decoration designer of the year in 2006, selected one of Europe’s 25 Leaders of Change by Business Week, his star keeps rising.

‘There is a reason BusinessWeek referred to him as "Europe's hottest designer" and The Washington Post identified him as "the design world's favorite star.’ DWR, Rob Forbes In the near future, more can be expected of Marcel Wanders and his Amsterdam based design studio. He has recently partnered with Philippe Starck’s and John Hitchcox’s design focused property development brand, yoo. Amsterdam being his beloved home, he will be publishing a book showcasing 700 years of creative history of the city. With numerous other projects in the workings, Wanders will be sure to make headlines which will no doubt get tongues wagging and change the landscape of design in a truly remarkable way. 

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